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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
Wokół budynku to już korę rozsypują ozdobną, poza tym drogi dojazdowe budują więc dojścia nie ma za bardzo ale spróbuję
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Witaj Damian. Slyszalem ze budowa Pianissimo jest juz ukonczona i otrzymala pozwolenie na urzytkowanie. Moze masz jakies nowe zdjecia z tej zakonczonej juz inwestycji? Pozdr :)
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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Dzieki Damian za fotki :)
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
Mam dzisiejsze, aleś trafił :)
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Super bedzie to wygladalo, dzieki za fotki. Zaczeli montowac ozdobna fasade od strony wody, tylko ciekawe czy taki sam wzor jak na wizkach. Damian, masz moze jakies nowe fotki fasady od strony Wisly?
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Damian Daraż
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Elewacje z kazdym dniem coraz bardziej zaczynaja przypominac te na wizkach :)
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Damian Daraż
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Czekalem na te jakze wiosenne zdjecia, dzieki Damian. Moze masz jakas wizke od strony poludniowej dla przypomnienia i porownania design elewacji?
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Damian Daraż
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Damian Daraż
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PandaTheBear Ciornei napisał:
West side - meaning towards Galeria Kaz? There's a big Electricity Pole there though, it ruins any view. I know there are still some empty apartments, but the ones on the top floor are pretty pricey - for my budget at least. Even though I imagine the view is great.

The only possibility for you I think is from the river side, so you can't see the big Electricity Pole, is the empty apartments on the second floor, apartment number F15 (55.43 m2)
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PandaTheBear Ciornei
West side - meaning towards Galeria Kaz? There's a big Electricity Pole there though, it ruins any view. I know there are still some empty apartments, but the ones on the top floor are pretty pricey - for my budget at least. Even though I imagine the view is great.
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PandaTheBear Ciornei napisał:
@Kokobi - thanks for the reply. I know what I wanted to say, but not sure what that sentence is trying to say :)
I was walking around the building 2 days ago, and the pedestrian path that goes right parallel to the building is pretty high. So high that the ground floor for Pianissimo actually doesn't get a view of the river.
The concern that I had was - is the 1st floor in the same situation - as obviously I can't go into the building to check, but it looks like the pedestrian path is at the same level as the 1st floor. 
If you'd be in the balcony on that floor - what exactly do you see because of that pedestrian path? Is there a risk the city-hall decides to plant bushes or small trees on it and blocks your view?
Looking at the pictures I took, it doesn't look like it's a big problem, but the pedestrian path is fairly close to the building.


Now everything is explained. I think that the view from the first floor will be ok, but view from apartment closer to the west side well be better. If you are interested  to buy an apartment in Pianissmo and you want to have an interesting  view, there is still vacant apartments on the upper floors looking Wisla river, for example on the second floor and on the seventh floor
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PandaTheBear Ciornei
@Kokobi - thanks for the reply. I know what I wanted to say, but not sure what that sentence is trying to say :)
I was walking around the building 2 days ago, and the pedestrian path that goes right parallel to the building is pretty high. So high that the ground floor for Pianissimo actually doesn't get a view of the river.
The concern that I had was - is the 1st floor in the same situation - as obviously I can't go into the building to check, but it looks like the pedestrian path is at the same level as the 1st floor. 
If you'd be in the balcony on that floor - what exactly do you see because of that pedestrian path? Is there a risk the city-hall decides to plant bushes or small trees on it and blocks your view?
Looking at the pictures I took, it doesn't look like it's a big problem, but the pedestrian path is fairly close to the building. 
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PandaTheBear Ciornei napisał:
Hey all.
Looking into this building, can anyone say what is the floor?
My concern is that the apartment is on the floor, then it is a high rise building. Is this a valid concern?

The floor you have marked with red line in the picture is the first floor.
The second sentence of your post is incomprehensible what you want to say


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PandaTheBear Ciornei
Hey all.
Looking into this building, can anyone say what is the floor?
My concern is that the apartment is on the floor, then it is a high rise building. Is this a valid concern?

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